Friday, July 26, 2013

Reflections on Action Research Week 2

     As I think about my second week to ever even hear the words "action research", my brain is swimming in different words and phrases that come to my mind.  Some of the words that pop in my brain include: focused, research, wonderings, collaboration, data, flexible, centered....I could go on. I still feel that I have a lot to learn as I continue this course.  Listening to the interviews of the different principals and superintendents was so beneficial.  It validates that everything we're learning right now, we will use consistently in our work.  I feel like I've dabbled in action inquiry as a teacher and even in my personal life (I just didn't know it had a name).  My first year of teaching, I remember having a student in my class that struggled with reading and I spent many nights pouring over old text books from college and googling different strategies to use with struggling readers.  I'm still trying to decide which of my three ideas from my internship plan I want to focus on for my action research plan...I know my time is running out as Sunday creeps closer and closer. I'm hoping that I can choose an issue that will have the greatest impact on my campus.


  1. Action research is something that I knew little about, too. It sounds like you figuring out how you have used it in the past without having a name for it. Maybe your site supervisor can help you choose a focus that will best impact your campus. I'll be checking back to see what you chose.

  2. I agree, I didn't really know what action research was nor that it existed, until this course. Now, what I did know has a name to it. I teach special education students and I am constantly trying to research ways to improve the educational experience of my students. Learning about action research has given me a process to utilize to serve the needs of my kids. Any issue that your choose will have a great impact on your campus, because you believe it will and you are willing.

  3. I definitely agree that the more I read about what action research is and understood it more I realized that it is something I have done before I as a teacher and in life. Makes me feel better going into this project. Hope you are able to determiner a topic soon. It did take me a while to come up with one as well. I'm sure what ever you pick will be of great benefit to your students and school.

  4. I completely agree with the words you said popped into your head. I also thought about some of those words as I read through the text and listened to the interviews. As teachers, I also believe we have gone through the process at some point in the school year. I gained a lot of knowledge through this week's reading and assignments.

  5. I agree that as I learned more about action research it was clear that it was something I had done in the past as well. The words you list that came to mind are insightful and meaningful. I also gained a lot of information and new understandings from this week's readings. I'm sure if you keep the idea in mind of having the greatest impact on your campus then you can't go wrong with your choice of topic.
