Thursday, August 1, 2013

Action Research Plan

Action Planning Template
Goal: Significantly decrease negative behavior among student population in common areas and in classrooms at Ross Elementary School by developing clear expectations and enforcing consistent consequences both positive and negative
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
The behavior support committee will meet and discuss goals, prioritize which steps should be implemented first in our school, and how we will measure success.

Assistant Principal, Donna Hartness

Jennifer Richards
August 13, 2013
·      At this point there are no necessary resources except the members of our team to attend the meeting. 
The evaluation of our meeting will be the list of goals we create, resources we decide to use, and a prioritized list of actions to implement at the beginning of the school year
The committee will assist in leading a staff meeting to introduce their purpose and inform the staff of the upcoming changes in school wide management.

Assistant Principal, Donna Hartness

Jennifer Richards
September 2013
·      Faculty
·      Behavior Support Team
Discussion and collaboration amidst the behavior support team after the meeting
The committee will create a survey for teachers to take to get a feel for student climate and feelings toward behavior management at the beginning of the year

Assistant Principal, Donna Hartness,

Behavior Support Team Members (including Jennifer Richards)
September 2013
·      Computer
·      Survey
·      Teachers to take survey
Results of the teacher survey
The behavior support team will meet to discuss findings from the first teacher survey and discuss what steps of our plan to implement first.

Assistant Principal, Donna Hartness

Behavior Support Team (including Jennifer Richards)
September 2013
·      Teacher survey results
·      Research findings done by teachers
Teacher survey results and list of ideas from first meeting
Hold a faculty meeting to discuss school wide behavior plan and expectations that will be implemented first.  Answer questions from faculty and clarify any confusion.
Assistant Principal, Donna Hartness

Behavior Support Team (including Jennifer Richards)
October 2013
·      Faculty
·      Summary of expectations of teachers and list of new responsibilities of teachers
Discussion and collaboration amidst the behavior support team after the meeting
Hold a meeting with the behavior support team to discuss if the faculty needs more direction or time to adjust to the newest implemented procedure or if we’re ready to add our next management procedure.
Assistant Principal, Donna Hartness

Behavior Support Team (including Jennifer Richards)
November 2013
·      List of procedures to implement from the first meeting
·      Documentation of teacher observation
·      Research findings done by teachers
·      Office referrals from last year this month
We will be discussing what we’ve observed since the new procedures were set in place, what feedback we’re getting from teachers, and the number of office referrals from last year compared to this year
Depending on findings from the last behavior support team meeting, we will either introduce another management procedure to begin implementing in our school or we can continue to monitor and adjust our implementation from our first procedure and make any necessary changes
Assistant Principal, Donna Hartness

Behavior Support Team (including Jennifer Richards)
November/December 2013
·   Feedback forms for teachers
·   List of procedures to implement from first meeting
·   Any additional questions or concerns from teachers submitted to behavior support team
·   Office referrals from last year this month
We will be discussing what we’ve observed since the new procedures were set in place, what feedback we’re getting from teachers, and the number of office referrals from last year compared to this year
Meet with behavior support team to adjust our plan as needed and either choose which procedure to implement next or adjust our current procedure to meet the needs of teachers and students
Assistant Principal, Donna Hartness

Behavior Support Team (including Jennifer Richards)
January/February 2014
·   List of procedures to implement from first meeting
·   research findings done from team members
·   office referrals from last year this month
We will be discussing what we’ve observed since the new procedures were set in place, what feedback we’re getting from teachers, and the number of office referrals from last year compared to this year
Survey teachers on their current feelings to the changes being made and give them an opportunity to share what they feel is working well and what they feel needs to be adjusted
Assistant Principal, Donna Hartness

Behavior Support team (including Jennifer Richards)
February/March 2014
·   survey for teachers
·   office referrals from last year and this year during this month
Results from teacher survey and looking at the number of office referrals from last year
Hold a staff meeting to discuss teacher survey results and what our next step of action is
Assistant Principal, Donna Hartness

Behavior Support team (including Jennifer Richards)
March 2014
·   results from teacher survey
·   list of procedures to implement from first meeting
·   research findings from team members
Results from teacher survey and discussions /observations from team members
Final meeting with Behavior support team meeting to discuss plans for where to begin next school year, what worked well this year, what did not work well, and what research findings we need to implement
Assistant Principal, Donna Hartness

Behavior Support Team (including Jennifer Richards)
May 2014
·   feedback from teachers
·   research findings done by team members
Survey results from teachers, feedback from teachers, office referrals from this year compared to last year


  1. Love the idea, it kind of goes along with my arp. The only suggestion that I have is to have the faculty meeting discussing expectations in early september rather then october. By october classroom expectations have been set and changing expectation just when the students are starting to get the hang of things would be cruel, lol. It would more then likely upset the teaching staff as well. This is just my perspective, you may have a different school acceptance standard then our staff, I know our staff would not like to have to change their classroom expectations after they spent an entire month teaching them. Consistency must start from the beginning of the school year rather then after it has already started. Does this make sense? I may have totally read the ARP wrong too..... hope it helps! =)

  2. I agree with Heather, all expectations should be in place at the beginning of the school year to be effective. Maybe the first week of Teacher orientation you may get a quick committee together to set some guidelines. Just thinking.. But I do love the idea of having standard across the board positive and negative consequences.

    1. I love that idea! Thanks Heather and Terry! I'll talk to my AP and see if she's willing to move up our first faculty meeting to our first week back! :)

  3. You have a good plan in place. Again with Heather and Terry, it will be easier for teachers if they know the first time your campus meets what the expectations are and what consequences there will be. They will need a chance to wrap their mind around it and really learn it. It will be important that all students see the teachers and staff on board and really sticking to it and the way for that to happen is to have your teachers really comfortable with the plan BEFORE they see students. You are going to do a great job!

  4. Decreasing negative behavior is a great topic considering that all schools have problems with this topic. It will be interesting to see what research you gather on how to decrease negative behavior since it all really does start at home. I think if there was a lot of parent involvement and they are on board then this topic has a start!

  5. I was apart of a behavior team on my campus last year that helped move the school on a school wide behavior plan. I am not sure what all of yours will include, but am excited to hear your findings at the end of this project. I would definitely agree with the previous comments about starting at the beginning of the year during teacher staff development. That is when we introduced our plan and it took that whole week for teachers to buy-in, ask questions, and get situated with the new discipline expectations. The good news is, after a few weeks it became very natural and the school's discipline problems decreased drastically! So keep up the good work, positive changes are in sight!!

  6. Very detailed and great plan Jennifer. I agree with the rest of the ladies that it might be more effective if the meeting is moved to an earlier time. They will be able to implement the plan more consistently.I hope the research you uncover is very successful this school year.
